The Tuscan start-ups will be the protagonists of the latest episode of “ Courageous Captains” scheduled for Tuesday, 12 November at 9PM on Rtv38. Francesco Selvi, director of the broadcasting company and head of the program, continues with his voyage into the world of Italian entrepreneurs in search of examples of excellence who are capable of overcoming the economic crisis. The guests of today’s episode will be Emanuele Montomoli, founder and head of Scientific Reseach of VisMederi; Andrea Paolini, general director of Toscana Life Sciences and Matteo Piras, Stars Up Founder. Cesare Peruzzi and Pino Di Blasio, journalists for Il Sole 24 ore and for La Nazione, will lead the discussion.
Examples of excellence who can overcome the economic crisis: Montomoli on Rtv38
Nov 11, 2013News&events0 comments

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- Examples of excellence who can overcome the economic crisis: Montomoli on Rtv38